Thursday, December 11, 2008

Feast of St. Anthony of Padua

Many Italian communities celebrate the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua on June 13 with special Masses and processions. This is ironic since Anthony was not Italian, but Portuguese. However, he did spend time in the country. St. Anthony was an eloquent preacher who was born in 1195 and was a contemporary of St. Francis of Assisi, although there is no evidence that the two ever met.

According to legend, Anthony was an ardent defender of the faith and once traveled to Morocco with the intent of being martyred, although a severe sickness forced him to return to Italy. His homilies were said to be so brilliant that both church intellectuals and iliterate peasants were able to identify with him. However, one story says that he also became so frustrated while preaching to heretics who would not listen that he sarcastically turned and preached to fish instead.

St. Anthony of Padua is the patron saint of both marriages and lost items.

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