Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Fundamental Perspective

The Catholic perspective on life is different than most Protestant ones. Catholics believe that everything created by God is good, but has the potential to be abused or misused. The Church believes that humankind is capable of moral consciousness and has the ability to reason. The Church encourages its members to excercise this moral reasoning to determine the ethical solution to everyday situations.

Catholics don't see science as contrary to faith, but as an aid in discovering some of the universe's mysteries. Although Catholicism is well-known for its hierarchical structure, it also emphasizes individual responsibility and accountability. Both religuous and secular education are important to Catholics, and reason is necessary to understand and defend the faith.

Catholicism isn't just a Sunday event. It factors into the daily lives of and decisions of all its people. Faith is woven into all aspects of our life, including political, economic, and family issues. The fundamental Catholic perspective is that NOTHING is outside of God's jurisdiction, so he is aware of any and every thought, word, and deed that you make-24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

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