Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Gospel Truth

The New Testament contains four Gospels which tell about the life and teachings of Jesus. The four evangelists (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) each wrote one of the four Gospels. It's important to note that the four aren't considered separate Gospels, but four versions of one Gospel. Hence they are called The Gospel According to Matthew or The Gospel According to Luke, and not Matthew's Gospel or Luke's Gospel. It's for this reason that the Church teaches the importance of considering the four Gospels as one entire unit. No one account gives the full picture, but together they form a complete (although not exhaustive) account of Jesus's ministry. The church faithful require all four versions in order to appreciate the full depth of Jesus of Nazareth and his impact. Catholicism respects each perspective from the four evangelists, but stresses that all four must be grouped together, along with other "inspired" Old Testament and New Testament writings, in order get a better portrait of Jesus.

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