Thursday, February 12, 2009

Was Jesus Married?

The last verse of the Gospel according to John (21:25) says, "There are also many other things Jesus did but if they were to be described individually, I do not think the whole world would contain the books that would be written." The Bible is silent in some areas, such as: Was Jesus married? Did he have kids? The Bible doesn't say anything either way. It could be assumed that he was never married, since the Bible doesn't specifically say so (but the Bible also never explicitly says Peter was married and we know that he was, since Jesus cured his mother-in-law).

No Christian denomination has ever believed that Jesus was married, even though the Bible never says he was single. The reason is Sacred Tradition. Christianity has maintained that Jesus remained celibate and unmarried, even though there is very little evidence to support this. Whenever the Bible is silent on an issue, Sacred Tradition fills in the gaps. So, for Catholics, the Sacred Scripture says Jesus was a man whose mother was Mary, but Sacred Tradition says he never married.

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